
SM2258XT SSD Flash Chip Reader and Test Socket Pro.

Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $199.00.



SM2258XT SSD Flash Chip Reader and Test Socket Pro. is now available worldwide by DHL express!

Supported chip type: BGA132/152
Supported controller ID: SM2258XT G AB

SM2258XT SSD Flash Chip Reader and Test Socket Pro. is able to help users to test all the SM2258XT SSD flash chips to confirm their quality; it can also be used to read the flash chips containing both firmware and data inside.

When the SM2258XT SSD has physical damage on PCB or controller and users lose the data, at this time, users can solder the flash chips off the board and put the chips to the chip reader, and then connect the chip reader to pc, this way, users can see data directly on PC.

SM2258XT SSD Flash Chip Reader and Test Socket Pro. supports one or two flash chips to read.